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- National Dialogue for building democracy in Eritrea
- The United States Should Openly Support Regime Change in Eritrea:
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- Written by: Fesseha Nair
እዚ "ብያኣክል" ዝብል ህዝባዊ ምልዕዓል መታን ክዕወት ዓሚቁን ሰፊሕን መጽናዕቲ ዝሓትት ስለዝኾነ መራሕቱ ኣብ ዘዘለውዎ ሃገር ምስተን ዓለምለኸ ትካላት ክተሓባበሩን ትምህርታዊ ዝኾነ ፍልጠት ንክቀስሙ ክጓየዩ ኣለዎም።እቲ ቅድሚ ሕጂ ሒዝናዮ ዝጸንሓና ልምዲ ናይ ወጋሕ ትበል ለይቲ ተሪፋ ፣ትምህርታዊ ዓውደ መጽናዕትታት፣ ኮርሳት ኢዩ እቲ ንኣፍልጦኻ ዘዕቢ፣ፍልጠት ድማ ንክትምዕብል ይሕግዘካ። ዘመን ከበሮ ተሪፋ ዘመን ምንባብን ምምርማርን ይኹን፡፤
Eritrean fourth democratic wave towards Inclusive political participation and representation
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- Written by: Fesseha Nair
"Let us all act to resolve our internal problems by dialogue”
"Let us make Eritrea the place to share and care"
Stop accusing and blaming each other but come together and evaluate the past and come to invent new ideas promoting innovations.
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- Written by: Woldeyesus Ammar
The growing popular call of ‘’ ይኣክል! كفى! -- Enough is Enough ‘’ to the cruelties of the Asmara regime by waves of Eritreans at home and abroad is a real threat – probably the final blow – to Isaias Afeworki’s several decades old dictatorship. And when the threat is real, Isaias Afeworki always uses religion and external enemies as his most trusted and so far effective weapons to fight back.
Read more: Religion – Isaias Afeworki’s Eternal Weapon to Divide and Mislead People