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- National Dialogue for building democracy in Eritrea
- The United States Should Openly Support Regime Change in Eritrea:
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News English
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- Written by: Fesha Nair
- 1.What is Dialogue and What are its benefits? Why is national dialogue important in transition from dictatorship to democracy?
- 2.How can we perform dialogue?
- 3.The 4 Rs
Dialogue is the platform that encourages diversity of thoughts and opinions but not suppressing them. It leads to mutual understanding of problems and opportunities and search for common understanding. In practicing dialogue, there is an agreement that one person's concepts or beliefs should not take precedence over those of others, and common agreement should not be sought at the cost of the others.
Read more: National Dialogue for building democracy in Eritrea
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- Written by: Fesseha Nair
How can the oppression of ethnic minorities in post-dictatorship transitions be best addressed through constitution building and state structure? Where constitution building takes place in the aftermath of conflict or after the fall of dictatorship the relationship between different ethnic minorities and dominant ethnic groups within the state are often difficult and headache for the dominant ethnic like that of our tiny Eritrea.
Read more: State and Constitution building in Eritrea Minority Rights in state building State and...
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Read more: Flüchtling aus Eritrea versteckt sich in Rollkoffer
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- Written by: © REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri
Asylum Policy Changes Threaten Eritreans’ Rights
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- Opinion: Abiy Ahmed's Nobel Peace Prize win is a flawed decision
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- Italian court rules pushback of Eritreans to Libya illegal
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