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- Bill to deport Eritrean migrants who back regime passes preliminary Knesset reading
- National Dialogue for building democracy in Eritrea
- The United States Should Openly Support Regime Change in Eritrea:
- ግሉጽን ደሞክራስያውን ፖለቲካዊ ገምጋም፡ ፍቱን መድሓኒት ንፖለቲካዊ ሕማም፡
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- Characteristics of Chauvinism መለልይታት ጸብለልትነት
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- The Disappearance of the Eritrean Cabinet of Ministers? – Part 2
- The Disappearance of the Second Eritrean Cabinet of Ministers? Part One
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ካብ ውዕሎ ታሕተዋይ ቤት ምኽሪ (ተወከልቲ ህዝቢ ኢጣልያ) ሓደ ኣብነት፡-
ጸብጻቢ ኣገልግሎት ዜናን ሓበሬታን ኢጣልያ “ኣንሳ”- ሓጺር መደረ ሲኞረ ሮቤርቶ ፊኮ ኣቦ-መንበር፡
እዚ ብቐጻሊ ብሚኒስትሪ ጉዳያት ዘቤት እዛ ሃገር ክቐርብ ንሰምዖ ዘለና ምዕዝምዛም፡ ብወገነይ ከም ኣቦ-መንበር ታሕተይዋይ ቤት ምኽሪ ተወከልቲ ህዝቢ ኢጣልያ ተቐባልነት የብሉን። ኩቡራት ኣባላት ታሕተዋይ ቤት ምኽሪ’ውን ምስ ናትይ ርእይቶ ዝሰማምዕ ሓሳብ ክህልወኩም በዓል ምሉእ ተስፋ’የ።
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- Written by: ኤሃባደለ